
Jane Eyre Personal Blog:

Create a blog! Using a blogging website (ex. you will create your own personal blog where you will discuss the novel as you are reading it. There are specific requirements that you will need to meet. Otherwise, you are free to express what interests you about Jane Eyre! Feel free to post images, videos, songs, poems, short stories… anything that relates to Jane Eyre or what we discuss in class.

Blogging Requirements:
There needs to be a blog post (200 words min.) for each of these points in the novel:

Ch. 5-8
Ch. 13-16
Ch. 23-26
Ch. 27-30
Ch. 31-34 (the end!)
Final Book Review

The post should discuss the novel up to each of these points. Here are some guiding questions to think about (try choosing different ideas for each blog post!):

What has happened that is significant to Jane’s character progression?
How is her character progressing?
Are there any specific quotes that have resonated with you? Why are they significant?
Think about feminism! Have there been any events that are significant from a feminist perspective?
Find some feminist articles, quotes, blogs or links and discuss how the ideas relate to the novel so far.
What have we been discussing in class? Elaborate and draw more connections to the novel.
Identify some major themes and delve deeper! Find examples that relate to these themes.
Have you seen any references to Jane Eyre elsewhere? Where? How do they relate to the novel?
Create an artwork, piece of music or video that relates to the novel so far. Explain the ideas behind your piece as it relates to the novel.
Write a personal response to events in the novel. How does it relate to you? Do you connect with any characters?
You can think of your own ideas for responses too! Just be critical about the novel and always talk about the significance of what you are discussing.

During some weeks I will also be handing out a specific question to respond to on your blog.

Exploring and Commenting:
You will be expected to explore the blogs of your peers. After you post your blog entry you will need to read a posting by another student. You will comment on their posting with your own insight or feedback. Your comments should be a minimum of 50 words but there is no limit to the length of your discussions!

What to consider when reading other blogs:
Do I agree? Do I disagree? Why?
Did I write about the same topic but have a different opinion?
Is there any additional knowledge I can add to their response/reflection?
Can I answer any questions the person has asked?
Did the blogger discuss something you had never thought about before?
Have you seen, read or heard about anything related to the topic they are discussing? If so, can I refer them to an online link?

Jane Eyre/The Yellow Wallpaper Group Assignment:

                In your groups discuss and compare notes on The Yellow Wallpaper. Begin to relate the main ideas/themes of the story to Jane Eyre. Here are some guiding questions:
 How could the gender role stereotypes we discussed affect the main character?
How can this story be read as feminist? How does it relate to the feminism of Jane Eyre?
What could the wallpaper symbolize?
Pay attention to her progression towards the end of the story, what do you notice?
How does the style of writing reflect the progression?
What characters from Jane Eyre relate to characters in The Yellow Wallpaper? How?
Are there any similar images, symbols, descriptions, quotes to Jane Eyre?
What else do you notice?
                Now, choose one main and important idea from your discussion. Choose one of the following options as a way to present your information:

- Interview the woman from The Yellow Wallpaper. Create a dialogue that discusses her thoughts and feelings as they relate to gender stereotypes, Jane Eyre, wallpaper symbolism and/or any other important themes and ideas your group is interested in exploring. (This can be video-taped or acted out in front of the class)

Create a collaborative artwork that reflects the ideas you have discussed as a group. Be sure to have specific reasoning for your artwork. You will have to present this artwork to the class and explain your thought process and the importance of your work.

-Create a video montage that includes photos, art and music that relates to your group’s discussion. After the video is shown you will have to explain your main ideas and the importance of your video.

- Bertha (from Jane Eyre) and the woman from The Yellow Wallpaper meet! What happens? Create a skit (as a video if you choose) where these two character discuss their situations, feelings and Any ideas are welcome! Just make sure to confirm them with me.

Feminist Quote Presentations

             Your group has been assigned a specific quote from Jane Eyre. Together you should discuss the meaning of the quote as it relates to feminism. Who said this quote? What is the context of the quote? What events have/are happening in the novel at the time of this quote? How does the quote promote feminism/challenge feminism?

               As a group find a song, famous painting, video, blog, article or short story that relates to your quote. Make sure you have the link saved or on a USB. Over the next couple of classes groups will be presenting their resource and talking about why it is relevant to their quote.

Movie/Book Review

You have now read the book and watched the movie. Now, get ready to become the critic. Review Jane Eyre! Why did you like the novel? Why didn’t you like the novel? Are you on the fence? Make sure to elaborate on your reasoning behind your opinion. Include quotes, themes, character descriptions, important events and/or any other significant aspects of the novel in your response.

Don't forget about the movie. After you have reviewed the novel discuss how you compare the film version. Explain what you noticed about the film representation. How were the characters represented differently than in the novel/how you imagined them? Why would the director make decisions to alter characters? Why would they cut out/add certain aspects? Was the movie a good representation? Was it a bad representation? Why?

Lastly, be sure to incorporate the discussions we have had about feminism and gender stereotypes. How was gender represented in the novel and/or in the film? How did these ideas change between mediums? Do you agree with the views put forth about feminism and gender in the novel? What did the novel teach you about feminism? Did you enjoy learning about these new ideas?

You don't need to answer all of the questions listed above. Focus on what interests you most about the novel, characters and themes. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion (even if you really disliked the novel or film) just be sure to justify your response.

Refer to the rubric checklist to ensure you have completed all of the requirements!

This can be done as a video (like the examples below, 4 minutes min.) or written (600 words min.)

Here are some video examples to guide you:
Link: (this one compares films as well)

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