Assessment & Evaluation

Assessment for Learning:

Entrance Cards: The entrance cards used at the beginning of classes are a method of assessment for learning. I am assessing the student’s previous knowledge, what they have learned, how they are understanding the information and how I can alter my practice to better fit the students. The entrance cards allow me to give feedback, understand how to best scaffold towards to next lesson and differentiate instructions. In particular, the first entrance card tells me what information students already know about feminism and what they do not know. This allows me to alter the next few lessons depending on their previous knowledge. These entrance cards will not be graded but only used as a method of assessing progress, understanding and participation. 

Assessment as Learning:

Blog Commenting: The ongoing blogging assignment includes commenting on peer posts. Students are encourage to engage in an online discussion. These comments are a method of assessment as learning. Students are assessing the comments made by other students and providing feedback, adding information or challenging their ideas. The commenting is also an assessment of learning because it shows their knowledge of the subject as well as their ability to communicate that knowledge.

Throughout their blogging I will be monitoring participation and quality of discussion. They will recieve feedback to help with improvement of discussion. At the end of the unit their participation, level of understanding and quality of discussion will be evaluated for communication marks. These communication marks will be included in the final checklist marking format for their blog journal (which will be provided when the assignment is introduced).

Blog Reflections: Throughout the unit there are multiple points where students are asked to reflect on their reading or what has been discussed in class. These reflections are assessed as learning and provide the student with documentation of their progress and understanding of concepts. Students are able to read the work of their peers which will help with aspects they may not have fully understood. In addition, the reflections provide me with an understanding of class progress. This formative assessment also provide students with a visual format of their own progress and will help them discover their own learning needs. I will be providing feedback throughout the unit to provide students with more information on how to improve and what they need to focus on.

The checklist will be provided for this assignment when it is introduced. It will be the same checklist as the "Blog Commenting" aspect of the assignment. This rubric will be used to grade their progress throughout the unit, the quality of their reflections, the level of completion and their overall understanding of the concepts and ideas discussed in the novel and in class. The first couple entries will not be evaluated for marks, however, it is the final product that will be evaluated and will be more heavily weighted on the final entries (as they will have more knowledge on the subject). Students will be made aware of their importance for grading purposes. 

Group Presentations: There are two group presentations that will be assessed during this unit. There is the Jane Eyre/Yellow Wallpaper assignment as well as the smaller feminist quote presentations. These assignments are a collaborative effort and create a learning opportunity through group learning. Students contribute their own strengths and knowledge to teach other students about their topic. The presentations are a method of student-led learning. These presentations are important to understanding information and concepts needed for the summative assessment (book/movie review). However, this particular assignment will not be evaluated for marks. It is rather a method of learning for students and a way to provide feedback.

These formative assessments (with exception to the group presentations) will be evaluated although they will be weighted less than the summative evaluation. The weight will increase as the unit progress because students will be expected to have gained knowledge and understanding. These assignments will be evaluated using a check list format. I believe that rubrics are often overused and are not always read or used by students. I think that a check list format allows students a clearer visual record of exactly what needs to be completed. Students are given a clear grade for each aspect of the assignment (beside each check list component) which shows students their specific strengths and weaknesses.

Assessment of Learning:

Book/Movie Review: This will be assessment of learning and is the summative evaluation of the unit. This book/movie review is a way for students to express their understanding of the novel as well as their grasp on the feminist lens. The criteria for this evaluation, in the form of a rubric, will be provided in advance to ensure that students know exactly how to best achieve their goals. Students will be asked to highlight their rubric as a form of self-assessment. This is an approach to assess as learning so that students are able to consider their own achievement. This self-assessment also allows students to communicate strengths and weaknesses or voice any issues that they had while completing the assignment. I will then use the rubric and highlight, which a different colour, my evaluation and comment on why it may be different than their self-assessment. This allows students to compare and contrast as well as understand more clearly how they can improve. 

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